Age of Empires 2 Strategy

Age of Empires 2 Strategy

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Age of Empires II Strategy Guide

Age of Empires 2 Strategy - In this Strategy Guide, which we think will be very useful, we thought that it is more appropriate to provide information that will allow you to steer the game in your own interest in single and multi-player games, rather than preparing a guide that gradually tells you how to complete Age of Empires 2 one-man tasks. In this article, you can find the characteristics of races, their superiority, race preferences according to the style of play, the tactics of war, the characteristics of the ships you can use in naval battles, and the Rush technique which we think will destroy your enemies.


Each Race has a specific strategy. These strategies are shaped according to the specific means of war that each race has. For example, in the Mongolian cavalry, there was a separate class of archers. Soldiers of this class were capable of shooting arrows, even turning their backs. In Age Of Empires 2, these were called 'Mangudai'. Age 2 includes a number of Unique Units, as in this example, which directly impacts combat strategies. Now let us examine the war strategies of all countries one by one.

Aztec: The most important feature of this race is the Jaguar Warriors. Their attack / defense and hit points are almost identical to two-handed swordsmen. This race is generally chosen by infantry class users. Because they get good bonuses for the infantry class. The disadvantage is that Stable cannot. So you have to forget troops like Knight / Camel / Cavalry Archer. Also, most of the docks, blacksmith, university, monastery and Siege Workshop upgrades are missing. Then?

Britons: A favorite of players who build their strategies on archers. The most prominent unit of race is the long-range Longbowmans from Castle. With the +1 and blacksmith upgrades they receive in every age range, archers become fortresses in the Castle Age. Unfortunately, because of their low hitpoints, they are an easy target with a garrison cavalry at Castle. But this is not a big problem, since no sane player can use them alone (except rush, of course). If you add some infantry or cavalry to it, you can get a great result.

Chinese: One of the most important features of the game is to start with three villagers made extra. This allows you to rush a little faster. Another feature is the Chi-arrow archers, which have a high impact and can shoot a series of arrows. Once you've built a castle, you can make lots of them and haunt the enemy. The disadvantages of this race, which also received a few bonuses for firearms, are the fact that Paladin and Champion are unable to do so and remain somewhat weak due to the lack of some upgrades in the Imperial Age.

Byzantine: The Byzantines, which the Turks took root, had a special cavalry called Cataphract. Resistant to arrows and high hitpoints, these horsemen are capable of trample damage to their troops (such as Elephants).

Franks: The only attractive feature of the race is its farm bonuses and the ability to build a castle at a low price and generally no tech tree restrictions. Other than that, there is not much return.

Huns: Tarkan has unique units, which is very effective against buildings thanks to its bonuses. This race does not have very good features.

Mongol: Unique units called Mangudai. These are cavalry archers with a high range of arrows, high impact and hit points. If you put 30 knights and 40 knights in front of them, you will get very good results. In addition, their strongholds are relatively strong as they shoot more arrows than other races.

Persians: The best feature of the Persians is to start with +50 food and wood. Of course, this means you have to produce an extra 1 villager and make rush faster. In elongated and dead-end games, they become superior with elephants with Unique Units. The biggest feature of the elephants is that they have big hitpoints and bonuses against buildings and other cavalry. Of course, the trample property cannot be ignored. When a few of them come together, they become the biggest enemy of the castles. Unfortunately, they are weak against janissaries or hand canoners. One of the most important features of the Persians is the lack of tech tree restrictions.

Saracens: They stand out with their equestrian archers named Memluke. Multi-series arrow throws, powerful stroke forces are the biggest features.

Teuton: The most defensive race in the game. A player who plays Teuton and defends well can almost end the game. Unique Units teutonic knights have the most exaggerated attacks and defenses and are also the most scabies. It'il be in the morning until we go from place to place. Or frankly, it's a race that upset the balance of the game and I'm going to enjoy the fact that it's out of the game. Do not play this race, and strongly condemn those who play.

Turks: The only race that uses firearms in Castle Age is our Turks. Since the soldiers named Janissary were built at the castle age, they have an incredible advantage over the other races. Its attacks and defenses are high and fast compared to other infantry units. They are also very good offshore defense against ships. It is a good advantage that they can dig gold faster than other races. The deficiencies are the lack of Paladin-Champion and Onager.

Spanish: Conquisitors with unique units are very interesting. These are the kind of horseback riding horses of the janissaries. Just a little less attack. But quite series. In addition, the Spaniards can do all the upgrades.

Combat Tactics

Make your cavalry while creating your army. Because the cavalry is fast, they are effective against the archer, mongonel and turbuchet of the enemy. In addition, a few of them are very effective against buildings. You may experience Knight or Camel dilemma while making cavalry. In general, the Knights are superior to Camels over any unit (and buildings). (Hit point / Attack and Defense are more) But the Camels have a bonus against the Knights. So if the enemy uses a large number of knights, you make Camel. Of course, the Pikemans against the Knights also have amazing bonuses. 5 Pikeman sweeps 10 Knights. If you base your tactics on archers, this time you will fall into the archer-cavalry archer-skirmisher dilemma. Archer is always stronger with its range and attack power, but it requires gold. You do it like a flock of skirmisher for less money, but archers do. The Cavalry Archers are quick because they work in Archer Dance. (You miss a group of archers, enemy troops will turn to it, and your other group archer cuts tickets.) The most important point to be aware of when using archers is that you do not click on the units in the enemy group with all your archers. Let's say you have 10 archers and clicked on the enemy unit. Normally five archers will kill him, and you'll spend 10 arrows killing that unit. Choose Stand Ground and let your archers shoot their own. Also keep in mind that archers are very effective in rush, killing enemy villagers. Mongonel is effective against both buildings and troops. But it's better to use it against more troops. He spends incredibly well on a bunch of enemy archers or infantry. But remember, in battle-to-battle environments, your troops will bring their ancestors back.

Use the Battering Ram (especially against the castle and walls / doors) if you are against buildings. Battering rams are almost invulnerable against enemy arrows. Also, the more infantry you put into Battering Ram, the faster it goes. Scorpions, on the other hand, have no function other than spending unnecessary money on my experience. Because it is both slow and flimsy and unclear what it does. The only effect is that the projectiles are field effective, and this feature is also available in Mongonel. Moreover, mongonel more functional. Of course, Mongonel's two upgrades, the Siege Onager, can also be used to manipulate the battlefield. For example, you play in the Black Forest, and the enemy has set up all his defenses on a single strategic entry. In this case, you can attack the enemy in another direction by making a ground attack with Siege Onager.

And one thing is, don't take off soldiers. For example, you will make 40 knight. To do this, list 4 stable side-by-side and double-click a stable. All Stables will be selected. Determine Gathering Point anywhere. Then order Stable to make 10 knights. Your knight is ready in a few minutes.

Naval Battle Tactics

Fireships: These ships are especially useful in cannon galleys. Cannon galleys are fired from afar, so fireships can approach them and sink them without being damaged. In addition, fireships are effective against enemy docks as they shoot multiple series. And they're tough.

Galley: These are standard warships. Primitive versions shoot arrows and scorpion bullets shoot ugrade states.

Cannon Galley: They shoot very powerful shots from incredible ranges. It is an effective ship against the buildings built by the enemy near the sea like a cake. If you don't play against a very idiot opponent, don't even try to use them against enemy ships.

Demolition Ship: These are used to carry out massacres by carrying out suicide attacks when the enemy holds his galleys side by side and is not aware of what will happen to him. Run a fake attack anywhere on the map, draw the enemy's attention and dive into the middle of several demolition shiple ships. When the enemy cannot see the navy in place, listen to the nagras that he throws with pleasure.


Now, Hitman's Rush and Fast Army tactics:

'Ya, is the pleasure of the game before moving to the age of Imperial?', 'Ya, the armies accumulate mutual war and the pleasure of the game comes out more', 'Ya, look at the Imperial Age did not attack until we agreed' or something of the mindset of friends need to read this section. no, they can continue to have fun on their own. They will probably do so in every aspect of their lives.

One of the most important issues in Age Of Empires is Rush and Rush. In this article I will tell you how to make an effective Rush. In general, a successful rush requires the crossing of Feudal between the 11th and 12th minutes of the game and attacking the enemy in the 17th minute at the latest. Now I will give you an effective rush technique. Of course, reading this article already shows that you are a person who is prone to self-improvement and perfection, which means that you can achieve better results by playing with this technique according to your own playing style and experience. Once in Options, in Villager Build, assign the house and farm hotkeys, and the Center On Idle Villager hotkeys. To print the villager in the town center and to print the unit you use most from other buildings, always assign the same key and make it a habit to use it. This technique will allow you to build an incredible advantage against your opponent before the game starts. I think the most influential race for Rush is the Persians who started with +50 food and wood. This race also works for both full-tech trees and elongated and groundbreaking games. As soon as the game starts, push a few villagers in the town center and find all the sheep surrounding Scout, while building all his men. When you bring the sheep to the town center, get food from the sheep to all the villagers. Continue this until there are 8 villagers and build a house with the 8th villager. 9. Make a lumbercamp in a wooded area with the villager and cut the tree to the villagers that will come out. Of course, explore Scout with your village until you find at least one gold and one stone mine. Enter the foraging event when the sheep are finished and when there is enough wood, make a dock immediately and push the fishing ship. In the meantime, until the peasant is 18, keep pressing the peasants. Wait for food to be 500 from now on. Of course you will not forget to find the enemy village with scout. When you find the Food 500, send 8 villagers in the food to dig gold (don't forget Mining Camp). In the meantime, food will continue to come from the fishing ships (I think you're beginning to realize the importance of Dock in Rush).
When Feudal Research is about 60%, start building a shed for 1 villager and make sure you build plenty of houses. If everything went well when you moved to Feudal, the hut must be completed. Immediately from the town center a lot of peasant bass, the man who made the hut in the archery range, lumber camp upgrade also forget. Send the newly released villagers to foraging. If you have enough wood, add a few more to the Fishing ships. When the archery range is over, immediately push the archer until it is 9 archer. You can set up another Range to create a faster archer community based on the amount of wood. In the meantime, before the end of foraging farm upgrade by pressing the farm slowly enter the event. 9 When Archer collects them, send them to the village where you discovered the three villagers who earn gold. Also, if you're in a coastal environment, in case the enemy has made a wall (if he's making a wall in such a short time, he's probably playing defense and the game will become unbearable), push a transport ship at the dock near the enemy base so that he can get his men behind the wall. but if the man is already a very good player or has already lost the game).

Set up a blacksmith on the way to the archers and the villagers and make upgrades to the archers. In addition, 3-4 peasants stone goose. If you want to be an outdated player, you can try building walls in critical passages. But I'm sure it'il slow you down. I say or it is difficult to be over something (: If everything went well with the troops sent to the enemy villagers at the same time by building a watch tower with the villagers can start to build a small base. Meanwhile, of course, 'Center On Idle Villager' to assign the shortcut to the blank If everything didn't work out, which is probably the case where archers find a Chinese wall in front of the enemy village, immediately transport the archers behind the wall with the transport ship.You'll lose a minute at the most. When you destroy the enemy villagers, try to gather 800 food from behind and press the castle age.If the villagers do an archery range and 1 stable here, as soon as you move to castle age, you first set a man and reinforce all his resources, then set up a workshop and then the enemy. bash Take the Battering Ram from the op and send it to the enemy town center, where the game, which is already theoretically finished, will end practically. Protest the stubborn ones who still don't come out of the game, henna and defeat them in such a way that they will violently shake their egos so they don't play age of empires.

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